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What You Should Know About Debt Financing

What You Should Know About Debt Financing

When you think of debt financing, you may immediately think of borrowing money from a bank to obtain a bank loan. However, there are many other types of debt financing, depending on the needs of the business and its ability to repay the debt. Each has advantages and disadvantages depending on the riskiness of the business and its stage in the life cycle.

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Private Equity vs. Venture Capital vs. Investment Banking

Private Equity vs. Venture Capital vs. Investment Banking

Private equity providers, venture capitalists and investment bankers operate in the same general business climate, working with companies to help provide financing designed to improve operations and spur growth. The three operate along the spectrum of a business life cycle, playing roles in everything from a company’s launch to its initial public offering of stock or acquisition by another company.

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How to Finance Your Business: The Starter Guide

How to Finance Your Business: The Starter Guide

“When entrepreneurs are looking for funding options, they are usually not seeking advice such as “crowdfund” or “ask friends and family.” While legitimate funding methods, most companies need something more reliable and in greater amounts than these methods generally provide. At this point, a business seeks more serious financing options from banks, external firms, and even non-profits.”

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How to Grow a SaaS Company

How To Grow a SaaS Company

Building a business takes hard work, focus, and most importantly, time. When starting a Software as a Service business, it is tempting to focus on becoming the next overnight success. But in all honesty, very few companies luck into that title.

For every overnight millionaire, there are several hardworking business owners steadily reaching sustainable success. Be encouraged that with long term focus and steady planning, you can be next.

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How to Qualify for SaaS Financing

How to Qualify for SaaS Financing

Qualifying for SaaS financing can be a challenge, but there are steps you can take to increase your chances of approval. Overall, the key to qualifying for SaaS financing is to be prepared, organized, and able to demonstrate that your business is a good investment.

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Capital Required Relative to Revenue

SaaS Company Valuation and how it affects Financing

For any Software as a Service (SaaS) company, finding effective financing solutions can prove difficult. Despite the increased focus on this business model and financing solutions, many SaaS owners don’t know how to accurately value their company. Without a correct SaaS valuation, you won’t be able to get the financing options that work best for your business. We want to help you understand SaaS company valuations and the impact that has on your financing options.

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SaaS Go To Market Strategy

How to Develop a SaaS Go To Market Strategy

Developing a go-to-market (GTM) strategy for a SaaS company involves a detailed analysis of the market, target audience, competition, and product features. A SaaS company can create a strategy that is aligned with the needs of its customers and enables it to achieve its growth objectives. Start strategizing today!

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We devote the time to understand your accomplishments, circumstances, and opportunities to create a customized debt funding structure to accelerate your growth.